Saturday 8 December 2012

Tomato Soup - Fast and Festive!

If you find you suddenly have a soup emergency :) - try this recipe.   I always have tinned tomatoes in my cupboard and  this is really fast and tastes very good too ..........

Ingredients: this amount serves 2 really good size bowls - (4 smaller ones)
1 can of good tomatoes - (400g) -  the better brands aren't as acidic, (the regular ones are fine - just adjust the seasonings).
Couple of  large pinches of Dried basil and oregano
Salt and pepper, Vegetable Stock cube, water and some milk
Small amount of sugar, squeeze of lemon juice
Olive Oil (and knob of butter if wanted)
1 heaped teaspoon of arrowroot slaked with milk or water
Swirl of Cream to serve

This is so fast and easy ...........

1. Pour your can of toms into a microwaveable bowl
2. Add a drizzle of olive oil, little sugar, seasonings and herbs - to taste
3. Add a canful of water, including some milk - the amounts dont really matter, as you can correct this when you liquidise and taste the soup.
4. Zap (covered) in the micro for about 10 mins - approx. Stir and add some more liquid if necessary. Zap again for a few minutes.  Leave to cool slightly when done.
5.Liquidise, adjust seasonings, adding lemon juice if wanted, and amount of milk/stock if necessary.

6. At this stage, (while still hot),  if the tomatoes are still a little too acidic, add a little more sugar and the slaked arrowroot - which seems to counteract the acidity - I always add this to tomato soup anyway. It also helps to slightly 'smoothen' (!)  out the soup.

7. Serve with a little cream or knob of butter - - - and some cooked rice added is very good.

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